Partner Agencies
The NSW Crime Commission places significant importance on maintaining and strengthening its partnerships with other law enforcement, intelligence, regulatory and oversight agencies at both the state and federal level. These productive partnerships are a critical component of the NSW Crime Commission's ability to effectively perform its functions.
NSW Crime Commission staff attend and contribute to inter-agency committees and forums and participate as an active member in multiple joint investigations (typically conducted with squads operating from within the NSW Police State Crime Command). The Commission’s participation in any joint investigation is predicated on the completion of a selection and prioritisation process which assesses the relative impact and value of the Commission’s contribution and is designed to ensure the Commission’s limited resources are being applied strategically and in such a way as to maximise the disruption, reduction, and prevention of the incidence of organised and other serious crime in NSW.
The NSW Crime Commission is currently a participant in a number of standing multi-agency task forces including:
- Multi Agency Strike Team
- Joint Counter Terrorism Team
- Fintel Alliance